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China:- Autoparts packages found infected by Corona Virus.

👇समाचार सुनने के लिए यहां क्लिक करें

Report:- Aalok kumar Jha

🌚😱 The whole world is fighting the corona epidemic at this time and the new strain of the virus has once again created problems for the people. Meanwhile, the news that has come from China regarding Corona is even more shocking. A package of auto parts businesses in China has been found to have infected several Corona packages after packaging samples were taken which have given sleep to people. Auto parts packaging samples were taken from different parts of the country, after which evidence of presence of corona virus has been found in it. According to the Office of Prevention and Control of Kovid-19 in China, the local Center for Disease Control and Prevention has detected the virus on auto tire packaging in Jincheng City, North China’s Shanxi Province. After this, emergency treatment was started immediately and the employees who came in contact with the goods were separated. Except those workers, the report of the rest has come negative. The infected goods are completely sealed in secluded place.

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